Photo: Illustration purpose only. When You have bad luck, you can find a good partner, but after sleeping with them, they abandon you. You work 9 to 5, and get paid, but you don't know what to do with your money; it just slips through your fingers and you're back to loan sharks before month's end. Your struggling to find employment, always broke, and most people hate your presence. Even your close friends and family enjoy seeing you for a few minutes and after start gossiping about you, saying things like you visited because you are hungry and broke. Everything bad follows you and you live a painful life. The bad luck spirit in you closes all your luck and all of the beautiful things that are intended to happen in your life. It is very sad and difficult to live with bad luck hanging over you and it is even more difficult to get rid of bad luck, especially if you have been enchanted by your family member. However, others find it simple. ...
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